Russia. Tomsk is a city on the Tom River in Siberia, Russia. Theatre. Illustrated Envelop






Tomsk is a city on the Tom River in Siberia, Russia. Theatre.

Illustrated Envelop

Description Tomsk is a city on the Tom River in Siberia, Russia. Part of Tomsk State University, the Siberian Botanical Garden features greenhouses with tropical plants. To the northwest, the Central Park of Culture and Recreation contains a lake and an amusement park. Farther north, Tomsk History Museum displays traditional tiles, samovars and porcelain. The Tomsk Regional Art Museum showcases Russian paintings and sculpture.
Type Illustrated Envelop Tomsk is a city on the Tom River in Siberia, Russia. Theatre
Condition: Good
Edges/Corners Fine
Used/Unused Unused
Published by/for: Ministry of Communications, 1984


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